Student Activities

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Campus Activities Board

The mission of the Campus Activities Board (CAB) is to provide social, multicultural, recreational and education events for Lee College students, community supporters, faculty members, and staff members. From movies to lectures, cultural celebrations to concerts, CAB provides co-curricular activities that enhance students' experience at Lee College.

Students interested in learning more about CAB sponsored events and viewing previous event photographs are encouraged to stop by the Student Activity Office and Game Room.

Student Government Association (SGA)

Established in 1936, the Student Government Association (SGA) serves as the official voice of Lee College's student body. SGA members are encouraged to participate in decision making, both in college governance and in student organizations.

The Lee College Student Congress serves as the principal voice of the student body in matters related to college policy. Members of the Student Congress serve as voting members of the college's Planning Committee, Campus Activities Board and President's Council. They also serve on committees formed to hear student grievances and appeals regarding disciplinary action.

Playing video gamesThree female students with custom-made photo buttonsPlay-fights with padded batsThree females wearing large, custom sunglasses

Student Clubs

More than 20 student clubs and organizations can be found on campus. These include social, cultural, scholastic, political, and religious gatherings, and are organized to provide students with the most visible and accessible path to campus involvement. Have an idea for a club? Gather some friends, and visit the Student Activities Office in the Student Center.

Club Advisor Advisor Email Description
Alpha Beta Gamma Dr. Greggory Lattier An honor society for students in a business-related major. The group recognizes and encourages scholarship among college students in business curricula at community, junior, and technical colleges.
Anime Club Stephen Saunders Provides a social environment to watch and discuss Japanese anime.
Art Association Elena Poirot Promotes the appreciation of art throughout the college and community, and provides an opportunity for greater cultural enrichment in and through the visual arts. Open to all Lee College students.
Campus Activities Board (CAB) Melissa Valencia Plan and promote campus events, such as Welcome Week, Fall Fiesta, and Spring Fling.
Campus Crusade for Christ Dr. Greggory Lattier Helping to fulfill the great commission and power of the holy Spirit by winning people to faith in Jesus Christ.
Debate Club Joe Ganakos The Mendoza Debate Society seeks to engage all students in a variety of activities designed to promote critical thinking and applied argumentation skills.
E-Sports Will Mayer A club to promote and participate in e-sports and competitive video gaming.
Environmental Club Melissa Valencia Students who are interested in environmental advocacy and awareness.
Honors Council Georgeann Ward A student-led club associated with the Honors Program which promotes academic excellence and the Honors Program within the Lee College community, supports students involved in Honors, and encourages interest in Honors among prospective students.
Instrumentation Frederick (Scott) Churchman To provide a non-academic focus for students interested the instrumentation field.
Kinesiology Club Christine Doty Focuses on leadership-building, promotion of health and wellness, and physical education. With both on- and off-campus activities, service hours may be available through this group.
Music Club Dr. John Weinel This club serves to enrich the music major experience at Lee College.
Nursing Student Association Elouise Ford and Kathleen Murphy and For students currently enrolled in the ADN or LVN program, the club provides members with the opportunity to identify with the nursing profession and to foster intellectual, educational, and spiritual growth related to professional nursing profession.
Peers Against Tobacco Dr. Rosemary Coffman As part of the University of Texas, the club is a student-based tobacco/nicotine prevention program to promote the college's tobacco free policy while educating the community on the dangers of all tobacco use.
Rotaract Club Dr. Greggory Lattier This club provides an opportunity for students to enhance knowledge and skills which assist them in personal development by addressing the physical and social needs of their communities through a framework of friendship and service.
Service Learning Dr. Greggory Lattier A form of experiential education in which student engage in activities that address human and community needs together with structured opportunities for reflection designed to promote student learning and development.
Table-Top Gaming William Mayer Provides a social environment to play table-top games, and a game-filled environment to de-stress.
Teachers2B Dr. Teresa Lattier This education club focuses on community involvement and social activities
Tennis Club Do you want to learn how to play a great sport or continue playing tennis? The tennis club meets for social practice and matches with area colleges.

Don't see the club you want to join? That's OK! You can always start one!

Student Center

The focal point of campus organizations and activities, the Lee College Student Center offers students a wide range of services and a pleasant atmosphere suitable for all types of activities.

In the Game Room, students searching for a way to relax between classes can choose between billiards, table-tennis, darts, foosball, and video games.

Male students playing ping-pongA male student bends backwards under a rope in a limbo gameThree students show the backs of their t-shirts, which read Lee CollegeA male student dances before an audience

Manager:Michael Pounds | | 281.425.6861 | Office Location: Student Center Game Room, office 105.2