CAAC Minutes: 2011-04-19

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Members Present: Kenneth Booker, Howard Bushart, Rosemary Coffman, Joseph Ganakos, Michael Gos, Karen Guthmiller, Susan Hamby, Rod Hellyer, Cindy Lewis, Jimmy Lockett, Bob Slade, Doylean Sprauve, Dana Woods.

Members Absent: Paul Arrigo, Jill Cufr, Stewart Edwards, Roberta McClure, Jim Richardson, Donnetta Suchon

Meeting was called to order at 2:05pm

  1. Approval of Minutes: Minutes from March 22, 2011 were approved as written.
  2. Old Business: Michael Gos presented the CAAC bylaws for a second vote. Jimmy Lockett made a motion to adopt the CAAC bylaws as written. Seconded by Bob Slade. Motion carried.
  3. New Business
    1. Charles Ganze presented to CAAC that the GIS (Graphic Information Systems) and the Digital Forensics programs are being canceled. A motion to accept was made by Rod Hellyer and seconded by Bob Slade. Motion carried.
    2. Joe Ganakos announced that the subcommittee members have met once. The subcommittee recommendations will be presented in September, 2011.
    3. Becki Griffith presented changes to the Credit by Exam/Tech Prep Articulations/Placement into Advanced Classes. Changes are: Add ARTS 1316, ECON 2301 (Microeconomics), and SPAN 1411, 1412, 2311, 2312 to Advanced Placement. Add PSYC 2301 to CLEP. Remove CPMT 1407 and CPMT 1411 from Departmental Exams.
    4. Steve Showalter proposed adding PSYC 2301 to CLEP exam type. A motion to accept was made by Joe Ganakos and seconded by Dana Woods. Motion carried.
    5. David Jaroszewski proposed adding CJSA 1322 to the AAS in Law Enforcement and Certificate of Completion in Law Enforcement as an alternative to CRIJ 1301. This will provide for satisfaction of Criminal Justice electives by articulation with the high schools. A motion to accept was made by Jimmy Lockett and seconded by Dana Woods. After discussion, motion carried.
    6. Joyce Jacobs proposed adding an amendment to the LSSS policy. Reads as: {Students who begin their Lee College enrollment in a summer semester will be given the option to delay the LSSS 300 class to the fall semester}. A motion to accept was made by Susan Hamby and seconded by Bob Slade. Motion carried.
    7. Bryant Dyer presented a new curriculum plan for Process Technology. Motion to adopt was made by Joe Ganakos and seconded by Dana Woods. After a lengthy discussion, Dana Woods moved to table the motion. Jimmy Lockett seconded it. The motion to table was defeated. Bryant Dyer then stated that it wasn’t this curriculum plan he presented that he was seeking approval for but rather, just a change in the four courses {replace Tech Math option with SCIT 1318, add MATH 1414, add CTEC 2445 and change PTAC 2346 to PTAC 2446}. In response Joe Ganakos and Dana Woods withdrew their motion and second. Michael Gos asked for a motion to accept the change in the courses identified by Bryant Dyer. Bryant Dyer then stated that, in addition to the changes in the courses listed, he also needed to have changes in prerequisites for several courses approved. These changes were listed at the bottom of the curriculum plan sheet. Susan Hamby moved to adopt the curriculum plan sheet as presented, Joe Ganakos seconded. There was no further discussion. The motion passed 11 to 1.
    8. Dean Estelle Sit presented the deletion of the Automotive Technology Certificate. A motion to accept was made by Joe Ganakos and seconded by Bob Slade. Motion carried.
    9. Charlotte Mueller proposed adding MUSI 1311 to the Humanities and Visual/Performing Arts of the Core Curriculum. A motion to accept was made by Jimmy Lockett and seconded by Dana Woods. Motion carried.
    10. Joe Ganakos nominated Michael Gos to continue as President. Joe Ganakos was nominated to continue as Vice President. Further nominations were closed.
  4. Open Forum – None

Meeting adjourned at 3:05pm.

Respectfully yours, Susan Keith, Secretary
Approved by: Michael Gos, CAAC Chair
